It is easy to forget Australia’s leadership position in the development of solar technology as installations, both residential and commercial, as well as large-scale generation projects, become increasingly found everywhere. Tindo Solar, a manufacturer with its headquarters in South Australia, is at the forefront of this developing business, which has a promising outlook for the future. The Tindo Karra 410W G2H panel is the one that we use and recommend here at Aztech Solar. The Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre, which receives funding from the Australian government, has proved that this panel outperforms the products of every other manufacturer that is accessible in Australia. Because we are committed to using panels of this high quality, we will be able to provide you with the solar system that is best suited to meet your requirements, and we will also be able to help the environment in ways that go beyond simply lowering our emissions by decreasing our reliance on power generated by fossil fuels. Continue reading if you want to learn more.
Developed and Built in Australia
Working closely with researchers from the Australian National University in Canberra, Tindo have worked to build a panel that not only delivers maximum efficiency with it’s high yield surface area and superior performance whatever the weather conditions, they are also built to withstand the harshest Australian conditions.
To determine whether a certain material is suitable for use in the manufacturing of Karra modules, that material, along with every other component, is subjected to exhaustive testing. They put materials like glass, film, and junction boxes through stringent testing, both on their own and in conjunction with other materials, and subject them to stress in a number of different ways.
Tindo does every conceivable task that may be asked of a producer! The mechanical, electrical, thermal, and optical properties of the material are all evaluated. Because of this, they are able to have absolute confidence that their Karra solar modules are constructed using only the very best components. Tindo panels are covered by a 25 year product warranty and a 25 year linear performance warranty, underlining our confidence that these are the best solar panels available now.
Not just the Smart Choice, the Ethical Choice
Rather than rest on their laurel’s as Australia’s leader in solar panel production, Tindo’s sustainability policy and commitment to environmental and social responsibility is every bit as laudable as their high quality Karra panels.
They have a firm commitment to the reusing of customers’ old panels when they have upgraded to a newer model. Before making such panels available as quality pre-used panels for caravans, boats, and campers, they put them through a series of tests and refurbishments. They process approximately 500 of these panels every year, which keeps them out of landfills and ensures that a quality Australian product can be reused. This helps to replace the need for generators that run on diesel or petrol.
Some components for Tindo panels are imported. They take the issue of forced labour in our supply chains very seriously and manage it by direct involvement with our supply chain participants and membership in the UN Global Compact . They insist on ethical supply chains. In 2020 they took the decision to change cell suppliers after ethical concerns were identified and strengthened their system of assurances from their new supplier that they do not use forced labour . We push for sovereign capacity and expect to see components made in Australia, which would improve the renewables supply chain’s transparency and reliability.
Supporting Australian Industry and Workers
Tindo Solar is committed to providing its local community with stable, high-quality employment opportunities and, whenever it’s feasible, sustaining full-time employees. They also cooperate with students at universities and TAFEs who are in need of access to their one-of-a-kind equipment and expertise, and they make investments in traineeships and apprenticeships, including support for university and TAFE Solar Race teams . They also regularly contribute to non-profit organisations, helping them switch to solar generated power through the supply of discounted and refurbished materials.
Aztech Solar and Tindo Karra: The perfect team.
The combination of locally manufactured, ethically sourced, and sustainably produced solar panels from Tindo’s Karra range and the experienced, professional team at Aztech solar means that you can be assure that you are investing in the right, tailored solar solution to your electricity generation needs.
The whole process of converting to solar is covered by the team at Aztech Solar. After careful consideration of your power requirements your system is designed to reap the maximum cost benefit to you. From there, the installation crew takes over ensuring your system is built correctly and with the minimum of fuss. After that we teach you how to extract the full potential of your new system. Your pathway to a sustainable future is smoother when you partner with Aztech Solar.
To find out more about Tindo Karra Solar Panels, or anything to do with starting or updating your solar power setup, contact Aztech Solar today. For a free quote call 02 4067 2634 or get in touch with us.