Start taking advantage of the benefits of Solar Power today.

A lot of people are trying to find ways to reduce their bills. One of the ways to do so is to switch to solar power. If you are wondering, if it is already time to install solar power to your home, there are some facts and questions that you should consider before you make your decision.

Benefits of switching to solar power

Benefits of switching to solar power

Installation of solar power is getting cheaper.

Solar power has been around for many years and by the end of 2019, there were over 2.2 million solar power systems already installed in Australia. Thousands of homeowners apply for installation of solar panels in their homes during the summer. As the demand for solar power increases, the price for installation also decreases. The price of a solar panel per watt has decreased from $120 in 1975 to $0.40 in 2019.

Take note that for every year that you postpone your decision to switch to solar power is another year that you do not experience the financial benefits that solar power can give. The potential amount of money you can save on upfront costs can be outweighed by the financial benefits you will get if only you have decided earlier.

Switching to solar power is a good investment.

Solar panels will help you save money. In some cases, installing solar power systems will help eliminate your electricity bill after recovering the expenses incurred for installation and maintenance. In other cases, it can help reduce your bills from 10-50%. Solar panels do not produce energy at night, so you still need your local electric company unless you have solar batteries installed that can store extra power. Solar batteries, especially in recent years have been a great alternative and have become more and more affordable as technology changes and batteries become more common.

Modern solar power systems provide more control and insights on energy consumption.

The way people look at solar power systems has changed. In the past, they were viewed simply as tools that will aid you in mitigating your expenses and will make you feel good about helping protect the environment. The technology used in solar power systems has greatly evolved.

Besides saving money on electricity bills, you can now have valuable information such as when and how much energy you are producing from your solar panels. With this kind of information, you can estimate how much power you can use in the morning to accommodate energy consumption in the evening. Homeowners don’t need to worry anymore about horror stories of discovering that their solar panels are not connected months after they were installed. You will immediately know whether your solar power system is working or not.


How quickly will you get the return of investment for a solar power system?

The time you need to wait before you get your ROI depends on the state where you reside, the current price of electricity, and the type of system that you purchased. If you did not buy batteries to store extra power, payback could take about 5 years. With batteries, the payback period can extend up to 10 years. However, the benefit of enjoying power even during blackouts offsets this long waiting period.


Install your own solar power system with the help of a trusted expert

With the facts stated above, there is no doubt that the right time to switch to solar power is RIGHT NOW. However, a solar power system will only be a great investment if you purchase, and have the equipment correctly installed. Our team at Aztech Solar are here to help. Contact us to know more about the latest technology in solar power systems available for your home.